CSS says hello, goodbye at Chilliwack reunion

If you know someone who spent time at CSS in the past, tell them it's time to register now at hellogoodbye.ca.

The call is out to all former Chilliwack secondary grads from 1950 to 2012.

They’re invited to Hello, Goodbye, a mass CSS reunion being organized for March 1-2, 2013 in venues around Chilliwack.

“Our goal with this event is simple: To have thousands of former students, staff and faculty come back home for a two-day party,” event co-organizer Trevor McDonald.

The old CSS building will be closing its doors next year and will be torn down to make way for the new school building

“This is our last kick at the can so to speak. We’ll be saying hello to old friends, and goodbye to a whole era,” McDonald says.

If you know someone who spent time at CSS in the past at one point, tell them it’s time to register now online at hellogoodbye.ca.

Soon after the new website went live, hundreds had registered, but organizers are setting a goal of 10,000 attendees over the two days of the mass reunion.

“Don’t wait until February. We need to get idea of numbers as soon as possible,” McDonald said. “It only takes three minutes to register.”

They’ve established decade reps, with their contacts listed on the website. They are also gathering names and emails from the various decades.

The original idea to say goodbye to the old building was the brainchild of CSS teacher Steve Anderson who pitched the idea to McDonald.

“He made me realize once the building is gone, it’s gone,” said the local musician. “That really struck a chord with me.”

School tours, multimedia displays and a big dance featuring special house band of CSS alumni are all part of the exciting reunion plans.

“We’re pulling in people from all over the world. It’s going to be a great community event.”

Alumni will be streaming back into the ‘Wack from as far away as Abu Dhabi, UAE, and will be kept updated as they progress with event plans.



Chilliwack Progress