Cullen battles over final hearings on Northern Gateway

Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen is fighting to be able to raise certain questions at the final hearings for Northern Gateway.

Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen is fighting to be able to raise certain questions at the final hearings for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel.

Final hearings are a chance for  intervenors to ask questions of experts and Enbridge about the project, but are strictly controlled in terms of what can be discussed.

New information can not be submitted in the final hearings, instead, questions will be limited to information on the public registry, ie. already presented before the review panel.

Cullen, who would like to be able to question federal departments at the hearing has been countered by the Department of Justice on behalf of the Attorney General. While the letter from the Department of Justice argues the topics Cullen proposes are not directly related to the evidence. Cullen, alternatively, says the topics “are in fact related to testing the credibility of the evidence that has been filed on the record.”

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Caledonia Courier