A Culture Guard announcement of an event on Sunday to celebrate ‘National Day Of Blessings’ featured this image of the flag the group sought to have raised as Langley City Hall after it protested the council decision to fly a rainbow flag in July.

A Culture Guard announcement of an event on Sunday to celebrate ‘National Day Of Blessings’ featured this image of the flag the group sought to have raised as Langley City Hall after it protested the council decision to fly a rainbow flag in July.

Culture Guard group holds a ‘National Day of Blessings’ in Langley City

Event set for city hall

  • Oct. 6, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Langley-based Culture Guard is planning a Sunday (Oct. 6) afternoon event at Langley City hall.

The second annual “National Day Of Blessings,” attendees “will assemble as His church and as the body of Christ to raise a banner, pray, and give thanks in the public square of our city,” according to an email announcement.

It quotes from Psalm 60:4 in the King James version of the Bible, “Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.”

“Join God’s people on Oct. 6 to celebrate!” the announcement goes on to say.

It featured an image of the flag the group sought to have raised at Langley City hall after Culture Guard protested the council’s decision to fly a rainbow flag back in July.

At that time, Culture Guard’s Kari Simpson argued flying a rainbow flag in Langley City was oppressive to non-gay people and she wanted to raise what she describes as a “Canadian Judeo-Christian Flag” on the same pole, outside the hall.

Sunday’s event was set for 4 p.m. at 20399 Douglas Cres. in front of Langley city hall.

READ MORE: Rainbow flag opponent wants own flag raised at Langley City Hall

READ MORE: VIDEO: Furor over rainbow flag fails to deter supporters

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