Cumberland council assigns appointments

Sproule RD rep, Ketler appointed to CVEDS

  • Dec. 3, 2014 4:00 p.m.

Record Staff


The Village of Cumberland had its swearing in of the new council on Monday, as returning Mayor Leslie Baird welcomed returning Couns. Roger Kishi and Gwyn Sproule, as well as rookie Couns. Jesse Ketler and Sean Sullivan.

After Baird’s address, the committee appointments were doled out, with all recommendations set forth in the agenda being adhered to, including Sproule as the Comox Valley Regional District representative for the Village. Sproule will also act as the primary rep for the Comox Valley Sports Centre Commission, as well as the Heritage Commission.

Kishi will resume his duties as Village rep on the Comox Strathcona Waste Management Board, and will represent Cumberland on the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District Board.

Mayor Baird will sit on the Comox Valley Regional District South Sewer Select Committee and serve as Cumberland’s director on the Comox Valley Community Justice Centre Board.

Ketler has been appointed the Cumberland rep for Comox Valley Economic Development Society, as well as the Go Smart Comox Valley Integrated Transportation Committee.

Among Sullivan’s duties will be to represent the Village on the Vancouver Island North Film Commission. He has also been appointed to the Vancouver Island Regional Library board.

All aforementioned appointments, VIRL board notwithstanding, are two-year terms.

The VIRL board appointment is a one-year term.


Comox Valley Record