A Cumberland resident pleaded guilty in provincial court on Sept. 23 to a release order breach concerning the possession of crossbows. Record file photo

Cumberland man pleads to sentence breach over crossbows

Travis Sehn had been charged after RCMP searched 'nuisance' home in April

  • Sep. 24, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A case involving criminal charges from a so-called “nuisance” house in Cumberland was wrapped up with a plea agreement in Courtenay Provincial Court Wednesday afternoon.

Following the discovery of three crossbows at a Derwent Avenue home, police arrested a resident, Travis Sehn, 35, this spring on several charges.

An RCMP member attended the home on April 21, along with others such as a bylaw officer and building inspector, and saw the weapons through a glass door. The house had been the subject of numerous complaints from residents.

“The community of Cumberland considered that residence to be a nuisance,” Crown counsel Nicole Holubowich told the court.

The weapons were in breach of a previous sentence order against the resident. Later, more RCMP attended the home to execute a search warrant. At the time, the RCMP issued a news release referring to the crossbows, along with other items, including what were believed to be controlled substances for trafficking. This was another breach of a previous sentence order.

On July 27, another judge sentenced Sehn, following a plea, for the controlled substance breach to a conditional sentence of 24 months, along with other conditions.

The latest guilty plea was in connection with the three crossbows, which Sehn said belonged to his girlfriend, though he acknowledged the presence of the weapons in his home.

For the latest breach, Judge Catherine Crockett said the narcotics breach could have resulted in a jail sentence back in July but the sentencing judge had considered the steps Sehn had taken to accept responsibility and make changes in his life, that he was working and had supportive family in the area.

His lawyer, Joel Whysall, added the judge in July had accepted Sehn was continuing on a “positive trajectory” now.

Crockett agreed to the joint submission from defence and Crown counsel for an additional 30-day conditional sentence to be served concurrently with the sentence from July. The other conditions include reporting to his conditional sentence supervisor, that he otherwise stay at home except from noon to 2 p.m., or for specific permitted purposes such as work, counselling or support groups, community service or required trips such as medical appointments. The order also included that he abstain from alcohol or narcotics. As he is employed, he also said he would be in the position to pay the $100 victim surcharge. Sehn agreed to the conditions, adding, “I’ve been following them for a while now.”

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At the conclusion, Crockett told him, “I’m glad to hear you’re on a good life path.”

Three other charges for breach of a release order were stayed.

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