Support came from all over on Friday, as unions, friends and families came out to show support for local CUPE 2262 strikers.

Support came from all over on Friday, as unions, friends and families came out to show support for local CUPE 2262 strikers.

CUPE to hold rally at noon

City workers target mayor and council for inaction on talks

  • Dec. 12, 2014 8:00 a.m.

CASTLEGAR – City workers, members of CUPE Local 2262, are holding a noon hour rally today outside city hall. The event is a show of support from other unions and the community for the workers who have been on the picket line for more than a month.

CUPE Local 2262 president Leford Lafayette says it’s difficult to convey what the support of fellow unions like the Steelworkers and community members means to those 34 civic workers on strike.

Every time you honk your horn, stop by for a chat or drop off donations it strengthens our resolve to get a fair and reasonable contract,” he says.

So far the City has ignored union calls to return to the bargaining table, rejecting CUPE attempts to settle the first civic strike in Castlegar’s history.

We believe,” says Leford, “that the responsibility of our elected officials – the mayor and council – includes fair treatment for Castlegar public workers. We believe that the mayor and council needs to show some leadership and take us up on our invitation to settle this dispute. ” Leford adds that city officials “were elected on a platform of best serving the community – and that means ensuring that the qualified professional city workers are on the job keeping our streets and community clean and safe. “

What: Support Rally for Striking Civic Workers

When: 12 Noon, Dec. 12

Where: Outside Castlegar City Hall

Castlegar News