Assistant store manager at Overwaitea Ryan Nesbitt spent his Valentine’s Day at work wrapping flowers dressed as Cupid after store cashiers helped raise $1670 for the B.C. Children’s Hospital

Assistant store manager at Overwaitea Ryan Nesbitt spent his Valentine’s Day at work wrapping flowers dressed as Cupid after store cashiers helped raise $1670 for the B.C. Children’s Hospital

Cupid comes to Overwaitea on Valentine’s Day

The BC Children's Hospital were the big winners when Cupid wrapped flowers at the Golden Overwaitea.

If you dropped by the Overwaitea Store in Golden on Valentine’s Day you may have noticed a special person was on hand to wrap flowers. Cupid, A.K.A. Assistant store manager at Overwaitea Ryan Nesbitt, spent his day up front looking after flowers people were buying for their loved ones.

Nesbitt ended up dressed as a Roman God after he challenged the cashiers to help out the B.C. Children’s Hospital.

“We do as much fundraising for the B.C. Children’s Hospital as we can. This time around with it being so close to Valentine’s Day I thought I would challenge the cashiers to raise $1500 by selling Valentine’s Day icons at $2 each,” Nesbitt said. “I told them that if they could do that in about a week and a half I would dress up like cupid and wrap flowers all day up front.”

It only took the cashiers seven days of selling to reach their goal and they ended up raising approximately $1,670 for the B.C. Children’s Hospital.

The Overwaitea in Golden set a goal to raise $6500 for the hospital by May and they have already achieved this goal. “We have made it to the number with this fundraiser,” Nesbitt said.

“We have raised over $6500 in just this year. We have a few more fundraisers to go so we are hoping to get to $7500 by the end of May which is the calendar period for our fundraising.”

As for how his day was going as a flower wrapper, Nesbitt explained the staff were having a great day at work.

“They will probably enjoy it more as we go along here today.”


Golden Star