Curves food drive

Campbell River Curves is waiving new memberships fees for those who donate to the food bank

Recognizing that the need for donations is greater than ever at local food banks, across the nation, Curves International kicked off the 2012 Curves Food Drive on March 1 with a challenge to all Curves Clubs to meet or exceed last year’s donations.

Each club, including Curves of Campbell River, is asking its members to donate bags of non-perishable food or cash throughout the month of March to support their local community food bank.

In addition, Curves of Campbell River will waive the joining fee for new members who bring in a bag of non-perishable food or donate $30 to their local food bank from March 12-25.

“Curves of Campbell River is committed to supporting the health and well-being of our members, so the food drive is a natural extension of

that commitment to the whole community,” said a Curves of Campbell River staff member. “Many families are struggling with basic expenses and need some help to make ends meet. Our food drive gives our members a way to reach out and support their neighbours.”

With a theme of “Good for your body and your soul,” this year’s drive encourages Curves members to feel doubly good about themselves as they make time to exercise for good health and take time to help others in the community with a donation of nutritious food. Local Curves clubs may also qualify to win cash prizes for their local food banks. Curves International will award cash prizes to the clubs that collect the most food, the clubs that show the greatest increase in donations over the 2011 food drive, and to two additional clubs randomly selected from all the clubs who enter the contest.

“We would love to see all of our clubs top their donation levels from last year,” said Curves founder Diane Heavin. “But the main goal of our annual drive is to enlist the help of our members in re-stocking the shelves of local food pantries across the country. We also hope that new members will take this opportunity to give back to their local communities as they join our Curves community.”

For more information about Curves of Campbell River, located at 919 Ironwood Rd., and the 2012 Curves Food Drive, contact a Curves of Campbell River staff member at (250) 287-8379 or

For more information about Curves, please visit

Campbell River Mirror