Buy Low

Customers and Buy-Low Foods in Houston show kindness

Customers at Buy-Low Foods gave $340 in gift cards to the Salvation Army. In addition to the customer donations, Buy-Low donated three pallets of food from the store to them. Adam Marshall of the Salvation Army said that the best word to describe how the organization is feeling about the community support is "grateful". Buy-Low has been a huge donor and supporter for Salvation Armies. Just last year in December, they donated four pallets of food to the food bank, making 2020 its third year in a row of donations during Christmas. (Angelique Houlihan photo/Houston Today)

  • Mar. 10, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Customers at Buy-Low Foods gave $340 in gift cards to the Salvation Army. In addition to the customer donations, Buy-Low donated three pallets of food from the store to them. Adam Marshall of the Salvation Army said that the best word to describe how the organization is feeling about the community support is “grateful”. Buy-Low has been a huge donor and supporter for Salvation Armies. Just last year in December, they donated four pallets of food to the food bank, making 2020 its third year in a row of donations during Christmas. (Angelique Houlihan photo/Houston Today)

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