CVRD headquarters will now be closed until late April after water leak. (File photo)

CVRD headquarters now closed for at least three weeks

Offices were to be closed for two weeks after water leak

  • Apr. 5, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Cowichan Valley Regional District has announced its headquarters on Ingram Street will remain closed for a minimum of three weeks instead of the two weeks the district initially stated Monday, March 29.

The CVRD’s offices were significantly damaged when a water leak impacted all three floors in the building last weekend.

The CVRD has relocated its main reception and building permit administration services to the Cowichan Community Centre while the headquarters are closed.

The public is able to access these services in person if necessary, but the district encourages anyone who needs to do business with the CVRD to do so by phone or online whenever possible.

Staff were alerted to the flooding early Monday morning, and took immediate steps to secure a restoration company, electrician and other contractors, according to a press release.

“While a great deal of work was completed throughout the day to remove standing water, install driers and dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the building, assessments of electrical, wall and office equipment damage will still need to be completed once the initial moisture removal is complete next week,” according to the release.

“The building will also be tested for air quality to ensure it is safe for staff and public occupation again.”

CAO Brian Carruthers said the district is very fortunate to have a resilient team who are adjusting to the unfortunate incident.

“We appreciate the patience and understanding of residents, and ask that the public be patient when attempting to contact us as we work to ensure full connectivity to our phone and IT systems for all impacted staff,” he said.

Cowichan Valley Citizen