Cyclist James Kearluy was struck while cycling to work without a helmet. His bike was damaged but he wasn’t injured. (Jesse Laufer/Black Press)

Cyclist James Kearluy was struck while cycling to work without a helmet. His bike was damaged but he wasn’t injured. (Jesse Laufer/Black Press)

Cyclist without helmet thrown onto windshield in Oak Bay

Despite damage to bike, cyclist uninjured following accident

A cyclist on his way to work found himself on a windshield instead.

Pedalling through the Fort St. and Richmond Rd. intersection, James Kearluy was struck by a turning vehicle while cycling to pick up his vehicle on his way to Langford. Despite not wearing a helmet, he was uninjured in the accident.

“Most the time people are pretty aware, but this lady wasn’t looking at all,” Kearluy said. “I yelled pretty loud hey, pretty loud.”

More to follow…

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