Cyclists and cars collide

Abbotsford Police responded to five accidents on Wednesday, two of them involving cyclists who were not wearing helmets.

It wasn’t a very good day for drivers or bikers in Abbotsford on Wednesday.

Abbotsford Police Const. Ian MacDonald said the department responded to five accidents on July 24, two of them involving cars and cyclists.

MacDonald called five accidents in a day “odd” but added the bigger concern was with the cyclists. Both riders involved in the accidents were riding without a helmet.

“That could obviously be problematic when you’re on a bike, especially when you’re involved in a collision with a car.”

Fortunately neither cyclist was seriously hurt as both collisions were at slow speed.

“One of the two cyclists did strike his head. Obviously at higher speeds that could have been really bad,” said MacDonald.

Both cyclists were issued tickets for failing to wear their helmets.

Abbotsford Police wants to remind people that safety helmets should be worn when biking.

The other three accidents on the day were also considered minor, including a garbage truck hitting a parked car.

Abbotsford News