Cyclist’s breakfast

Those on the Millennium Trail had a chance to fuel up at the commuter's breakfast put on by the city to mark Bike to Work BC Week

  • May. 28, 2015 11:00 a.m.
Bike to Work BC Week aficionado Paul Bertrand helms the commuter breakfast tent on May.28 at the Millennium Trail.

Bike to Work BC Week aficionado Paul Bertrand helms the commuter breakfast tent on May.28 at the Millennium Trail.

Coffee and snacks were given out by the city today at a commuter breakfast to celebrate Bike to Work Week on the Millennium Trail at Kenney St. and Hwy16.

City organizer Tara Irwin says individuals and teams can still sign up for the province-wide event. The website is

The total kilometres are calculated on the website and a final count is done to determine the total mileage tallied by each city around the province.

The first year Terrace participated was 2012 and logged a total of 3,581 kilometres. In 2013 it logged 4,873 and in 2014 dropped to 2,801 total kilometres.


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