Cyr ready to take on new duties as Enderby mayor

Enderby’s new mayor says his first priority is to create a team approach at city hall.

Enderby’s new mayor says his first priority is to create a team approach at city hall.

Howie Cyr, a current councillor who was elected to the city’s top job Saturday, is preparing for a mandate with the six people who will sit as councillors.

“There’s a good mixture of experience and life skills,” he said.

“We will sit down and discuss what we see as the priorities for council. I want to make sure everyone is engaged. I appreciate the support of the residents of Enderby and we’ll work hard for the people.”

Cyr will be joined by incumbents Greg McCune, Earl Shipmaker, Brad Case and Beryl Ludwig and newcomers Tundra Baird and Raquel Knust.

Monday was Dee Wejr’s last council meeting as mayor.

“The people made their choice,” said Wejr, who served one term.

“We did a lot of good things as a council and we worked well as a team. I don’t have any regrets about my time in office.”

Cyr has praise for Wejr and longtime councillor Tony Vetter, who was not re-elected.

“They will be remembered for the good things they did for the community and I am sure they will remain involved in the community,” said Cyr.

Vetter says he’s not disappointed.

“Fifteen years is long enough and it’s time for new blood,” he said.

“We did quite a bit as council. We kept taxes down and we did our best to get things done.”

Baird topped the polls among councillor candidates.

“I was surprised but really happy,” she said, adding that her goal will be downtown revitalization.

“We need to get things rolling so downtown moves forward. We have to decide what will happen with traffic flow as a result of the changes on the highway.”

Cyr received 552 votes Saturday, while incumbent Dee Wejr got 226 votes.

The other results were Tundra Baird – 548, Brad Case – 547, Raquel Knust – Greg McCune – 500, Earl Shipmaker –  430, Beryl Ludwig – 412, Tony Vetter – 361 and Karen Durant – 357.


Vernon Morning Star