D-Day remembered in Langley City

A gathering at the Langley Royal Canadian Legion branch Friday night remembered Canada's involvement in D-Day.

Two Canadian veterans of D-Day were present on Friday night, as the Langley branch of the Royal Canadian Legion marked the 70th anniversary of that pivotal day. Les Randall (left) was in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, while John Swityk (right) was in the Regina Rifles. They were on Juno Beach on June 6, 1944.

Two Canadian veterans of D-Day were present on Friday night, as the Langley branch of the Royal Canadian Legion marked the 70th anniversary of that pivotal day. Les Randall (left) was in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, while John Swityk (right) was in the Regina Rifles. They were on Juno Beach on June 6, 1944.

The invasion of France on June 6, 1944 was remembered at a moving ceremony outside the Langley branch of the Royal Canadian Legion on Friday night.

Walter Poustie outlined the considerable Canadian involvement in D-Day, from paratroopers and naval activity to the men who stormed Juno Beach. Two D-Day veterans. Les Randall and John Swityk, put candles of remembrance on the cenotaph at the Legion entrance on 56 Avenue.

Wreaths were laid, and the Last Post was played, as those present took time to remember the importance of that pivotal Second World War battle, which took place 70 years ago.

Langley Times