Dance club closes for August

Shut down in response to declining attendance

Signs of neglect at the five-month-old teen dance club on Langley’s Eastleigh Crescent.

Signs of neglect at the five-month-old teen dance club on Langley’s Eastleigh Crescent.

Five months after it opened in Langley, the Ultimate Dance Club for teens has shut down.

A hand-written sign could be seen taped to the front entrance of the Eastleigh Crescent venue on Friday (Aug. 5).

“Vancouver’s Ultimate Dance Club is closed for the month of August 2011,” it said.

The grounds outside appeared neglected, with weeds growing outside the main doors.

An online posting said the decision was a response to poor turnout.

“Everyone seems to be enjoying summer way [too] much to fill the HOUSE…” the club stated on its Facebook page.

“We have decided to close for the entire month of August… Stay tuned for our exciting Re-opening Promotions from all of US at The CLUB… LOVE YOU!!”

A number of people posted comments on the Facebook web page suggesting attendance was down because the club was too expensive for young people.

“If you really want people to come maybe consider dropping the price a bit cause a lot of teens dont work and it is a lil pricey for them” one said.

“…problem is $11.50 every weekend plus cab and refreshments inside adds up” another said.

Others questioned the decision to close the club at a time when schools are closed and most teens are most able to go out evenings.

“No one will show up [in] September people are gonna be busy studying and busy with school,” one said.

The owners did not immediately respond to a Times request for comment.

The club for 14 to 18-year-olds opened in March.

During its first month, it drew overflow crowds, with many kids turned away at the door because the club had reached its 500-person legal limit.

The club operators approached the City of Langley to see about boosting their allowed capacity from 500 to 800, still fewer people than the 1,000 the building was allowed when it was the Langley Legion.

The club also drew noise complaints from nearby townhosue and apartment building residents, whose grievances included vandalism, pot smoking and public drunkenness among the club’s under-age patrons.

— with files from Brenda Anderson

Langley Times