Dangerous snow berm created along the usual landing path used by local pilots

Dangerous snow berm created along the usual landing path used by local pilots

RCMP continue investigation

  • Mar. 4, 2019 12:00 a.m.

On March 3 2019 at 4:30 p.m., the 100 Mile House RCMP were informed by a concerned citizen that an unknown person(s) had created a snow berm across Watson Lake near 105 Mile House, along the usual landing path used by local pilots to land and take off from Watson Lake during winter months.

It appears the berm was made with a Side by Side (UTV) with a track kit along with a snow plow. The ensuing investigation appears the unknown subjects may have made the berm in order to interfere with snowmobilers using the lake, but in fact, created an enormous risk for pilots using the lake as a landing site for ski planes.

The berm was estimated to be over 200 metres in length, 0.5 to 1.0 metres in height and created large holes in the snow/ice along the normal landing area. There were also other areas where smaller berms were created, but these areas are not typically used for flight. This is the reason why police feel the berm was created to interfere with snow machines and not the planes. It appears the berm was created between March 2 and 3, possibly overnight.

The complainant has marked the area on the lake to warn pilots off from using the area as a landing strip, but 100 Mile RCMP-GRC wished to notify the public of the berm when using Watson Lake for any recreational purposes.

This investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information can contact the 100 Mile House RCMP-GRC at 250-395-2456 or contact Crimestoppers.

100 Mile House Free Press