Date set for jail meeting

Lumby residents will have a chance to ask government officials directly about a proposed prison.

Lumby residents will have a chance to ask government officials directly about a proposed prison.

Council has decided to hold a public open house on a correctional facility March 23 and Ministry of Solicitor General staff are scheduled to be in attendance.

“These are the people who will make the decisions on what the facility looks like no matter where it goes,” said Mayor Kevin Acton of the ministry.

The open house will be held prior to Lumby residents going to referendum on the prison issue April 30.

“We want to provide information and the ability for people to ask questions,” said Acton.

Council and village administration are currently working on the format of the open house.

“People could submit questions beforehand or at the door and as that question comes to the table, the person who submitted it can speak to it,” said Coun. Janet Green.

A time has not been set for the meeting, which will be held at the White Valley Community Centre, but it’s anticipated that the session will draw a large crowd.

“Hopefully everyone will be able to get their questions answered,” said Coun. Lori Mindnich.

The village continues to receive letters from residents who support a prison and those who oppose a facility.

“Public opinion is good. It’s important that people express their opinion,” said Acton.

However, he admits that more one-one-one dialogue may be necessary and he is considering writing a letter to residents inviting them to contact him.

“I’m not getting the personal conversations from people on either side of the issue,” he said.

“I’m questioning my approachability and I want to ensure I am as open as possible.”

Vernon Morning Star