Dates set leading to Langley fraud trial

A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for early next year for two local road builders accused of fraud.

Matthew Brooks and Kirk Roberts are both charged with fraud over $5,000. The two men, respectively the former president and book keeper for Aggressive Roadbuilders, were charged early this year after an investigation by the RCMP Federal Serious and Organized Crime Section.

A preliminary hearing will start on Feb. 23, 2016, and is expected to last for eight days.

A trial by judge and jury will follow. 

Brooks has been appearing without a lawyer thus far in the proceedings, which has led to some delay in setting a trial date.

Little information has been released on the nature of the charges, although the investigation stretches back to 2009 and is related to financial institutions.

Aggressive was formerly a prominent Lower Mainland road construction firm, taking on multi-million dollar projects in Langley Township, Langley City, and in Surrey.

Brooks formerly lived in Langley and had a lengthy building permit and bylaw dispute with the Township over a large house he owned in the 500 block of 202nd Street. 

Starting in 2006, construction and renovations without permits were noticed on the property, and that eventually led to court action by the Township that wrapped up in 2009.

At around the same time, Aggressive went bankrupt owing millions of dollars, and the house went into receivership and was sold.

Langley Advance