Daughters of cancer victim fight back

Daughters of Nanaimo Mountie who lost battle with cancer are fighting back with fundraisers.

The daughters of a Nanaimo RCMP officer who lost his battle with cancer are fighting back and honouring their father with Cops for Cancer fundraisers.

Before Cpl. Ian Philip died last November, his daughters Emily, 12, and Sophie, 9, started raising cash for Cops for Cancer with a bottle drive and lemonade stand. It was their way to somehow support their dad and deal with the fear and helplessness they experienced over what their father and their family was enduring. They raised $1,500.

This year the girls set a goal of $5,000 to be raised in their father’s name for Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock.

They have already raised $1,600 toward that goal with bottle drives and birthday parties, but are now ready to buckle down to some hard core fundraising by hosting several events throughout the summer starting with a car wash at the Co-Op Cranberry Avenue Gas Bar at the corner of Cranberry Avenue and the Old Island Highway July 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Tour de Rock 2012 team member Cpl. Norm Smith will help out and a Mountie in a red serge dress uniform will attend the event.

They will also host a hot dog sale at the Chase River, Nanaimo, Country Grocer Aug. 4.

Smith plus a Mountie in red serge will be helping out.

Nanaimo News Bulletin