The LCCDTS Sustainability Committee is organizing An Evening with David Suzuki for Sept. 23. Photo: Submitted

David Suzuki back on for Trail with virtual event

An Evening with David Suzuki will be a virtual event for Trail and area residents on Sept. 23.

Dr. David Suzuki will be talking with a Trail area audience this fall after his 2020 visit to the city was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The format, however, will be virtual.

“What a difference a year makes. Ticket sales were well underway for a keynote event that was going to bring Dr. David Suzuki to Trail last year when the pandemic hit and the event was put on hold,” explains the sustainability committee from the LCCDTS (Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society).

“Since then, Dr. Suzuki has had a much-celebrated 85th birthday and continues to be outspoken about how we shape our world.”

Now, he’s ready to pick up where he left off.

An Evening with David Suzuki will be a virtual event for Trail and area residents on Thursday, Sept. 23.

“What Can We Learn from COVID-19” and “Where Do We Go Now?” is the theme of his presentation.

The COVID-19 crisis has had two enormous and related consequences, Dr. Suzuki says.

It brought much of human activity to a halt and it has given nature a respite. Both provide an opportunity to reset society’s priorities and head in a different direction.

He says there is a call to action for all of us to rethink our priorities and learn the ultimate lesson in front of us — that nature can be far more forgiving than we deserve.

Post-COVID, he says, let’s continue to allow the environment to recover and learn how to put our efforts into living green and building a society that restores Earth’s sustainable productivity and encourages collaboration and humanity.

The event includes Dr. Suzuki’s presentation followed by a question and answer period.

Tickets will be available soon.

Stay tuned for all the details.

The LCCDTS Sustainability Committee is organizing the event. The LCCDTS works to advance the social and economic strength of communities in the Lower Columbia.

Read more: David Suzuki bringing climate talk to Trail (2019)

Read more: Rediscovering out place in nature

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