Grade 8 students from George Elliot lead their Kindergarten partners from Davidson Road to talk to students about bullying on Wednesday.

Grade 8 students from George Elliot lead their Kindergarten partners from Davidson Road to talk to students about bullying on Wednesday.

Davidson Road Kindergarten students send message of respect

Kindergarten students speak to older kids at George Elliot at the annual pink shirt-anti bullying day

Grade 8 students from George Elliot secondary school joined forces with Kindergarten students from Davidson Road elementary on Wednesday to spread a positive message of love and compassion on the annual Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day across B.C.

The Grade 8 students were trained by the Red Cross prior to taking part in the event and got together with the Kindergarten students to present messages to older students at George Elliot, writing out the messages with terms such as be nice, be kind and love.

A Grade 8 student was partnered with a Kindergarten student and each class was visited by the kids.

The theme of the day was Imagine.

“Imagine if these Kindergarten kids didn’t have to know bullying,” said George Elliot vice principal Russ Bischoff. “Imagine if they can come to school where it’s safe. Imagine what we can do with that. When you can train kids off the get go about what is the right thing to do and how you treat people, as they get older there is much more respect.”

Please watch the March 5 edition of the Lake Country Calendar for the complete story on George Elliot’s anti-bullying campaign

Lake Country Calendar