Dawson is still missing

Oceanside RCMP remain baffled by the disappearance of a Qualicum Beach woman who left her home and vanished on Christmas day.

Oceanside RCMP remain baffled by the disappearance of a Qualicum Beach woman who left her home and vanished on Christmas day.

Corporal Richard van de Pol said police have received no new clues into the whereabouts of Sharon Gayle Dawson, despite initiating a poster campaign in conjunction with the local Citizens on Patrol group.

Dawson, 61, left her home on Dec. 25 and, besides one sighting at the World Parrot Refuge three days later, has not been seen since.

“She’s still missing and we have no updates,” van de Pol said.

He noted police are not going to speculate about whether she was a victim of foul play until there is some reason to believe this to be the case.

“A missing person file will continue to be a missing person file until there is evidence to suggest something else,” he said. “People have shown up after years of being away while they followed their own agenda. We have to believe this woman is out there somewhere.”

Parksville Qualicum Beach News