Mac Saini was just 16 months old when he died in an unlicensed B.C. daycare. (Submitted)

Mac Saini was just 16 months old when he died in an unlicensed B.C. daycare. (Submitted)

Daycare operator pleads guilty in 2017 death of Baby Mac

Susy Yasmine Saad has pleaded guilty to failing to provide necessaries of life for nine children

A B.C. daycare operator has pleaded guilty in the death of Baby Mac – a toddler who died in 2017 at an unlicensed facility, sparking calls for change to how the province regulates childcare.

BC Prosecution Service confirmed to Black Press Media that Susy Yasmine Saad has pleaded guilty to one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life to nine children.

Saad was charged in 2020 with two counts of failing to provide necessaries of life and one count of fraud over $5,000.

Macallan Saini, or “Baby Mac,” as he was known, died at Saad’s unlicensed and unregistered daycare in East Vancouver in January 2017.

Saini’s parents filed a lawsuit in 2018 against Saad, as well as Vancouver Coastal Health and Ministry of Children and Family Development. Saad denied all allegations of negligence. The allegations have not been proven in court.

Saad is scheduled to appear in court on May 4 to fix a date for sentencing. The maximum sentence for this offence is five years in jail.


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