There was a police presence at Dr. Roger Morrison's home the day his body was found.

There was a police presence at Dr. Roger Morrison's home the day his body was found.

Death of Dr. Roger Morrison ruled suicide by BC Coroners Service

The November 2012 death of Revelstoke's Dr. Roger Morrison has been ruled a suicide by the BC Coroners Service.

The death of a Revelstoke doctor has been ruled a suicide by the BC Coroners Service.

Roger James Morrison was found dead in his home last November. At the time, police said the death was a suicide, however his brother John questioned the findings and the fact no autopsy was conducted. His skepticism resulted in a CBC report suggesting someone may have gotten away with murder.

The coroners report, which was released on Monday, Apr. 29, and can be read below, said the death was caused by loss of blood due to self-inflicted wounds.

The report described a bloody scene, where adrenaline and insulin pills were found, as well as numerous over-the-counter and prescription medications.

The report says a letter written in Roger Morrison’s handwriting was found “indicating clear despondency and self-harm intention.”

John Morrison criticized the report, calling it “totally inaccurate.” He questioned the fact that Tim Loader, the coroner who wrote the report, did not attend the scene, as well as other elements of the report.

Roger Morrison coroners report by AlexCooperRTR

Revelstoke Times Review