Dec. 7 Police: sturgeon centre disturbed, accident numbers up with icy weather

Vanderhoof’s local RCMP detachment lodged 82 files, which included 12 prisoners, in the past week.

Vanderhoof’s local RCMP detachment lodged 82 files, which included 12 prisoners, in the past week.


Sturgeon centre disturbed

A life-size carved wooden sturgeon displayed at the entrance of Vanderhoof’s conservation centre suffered minor damage over the night of Nov. 26.

Unknown suspects also turned on sprinklers and tried to remove fuel from a company truck — no gas was stolen.

The RCMP did not receive any new information as of press time. Those with information are advised to contact the local detachment or report anonymously through CrimeStoppers.


Accident numbers up in icy weather

One to two accidents — all minor — each day were reported to the local detachment last week.

Though the increase of motor vehicle incidents is normal during the freeze-thaw season, people are driving too quickly for the conditions, Sgt. Svend Nielsen of Vanderhoof RCMP said.

“We’re asking people to slow down,” he said. “Speed limits are set for optimal conditions, not the starting point.”


– with files from Sgt. Svend Nielsen, Vanderhoof RCMP


Vanderhoof Omineca Express