Inside of Keremeos library

Inside of Keremeos library

Decision not to fund library turning into election issue

Unless RDOS directors step in staff cutbacks and a reduction of hours will start Feb. 1

  • Jan. 4, 2018 12:00 a.m.

To the Editor:

The situation our Keremeos Library is facing should make our little community members hang their respective heads in shame.

We express concerns about taxes, the environment, the lack of interest our youth of today display in the simple pleasure of opening a book instead of “device”, yet we shun the responsibility of providing the opportunity for access to books by allowing the hours of operation of our own library to be slashed.

My husband and I are both pensioners, but we have children and grandchildren growing up here in this beautiful valley and they use that library, as do we. We have no problem adding a few dollars to our annual tax bill if it will help to sustain our library for future generations to enjoy.

People…we are losing our only bank that has been here for so many years (hopefully our Credit Union will not suffer the same fate) and you just have to drive through town to see many empty store fronts. Let’s not lose our library as well.

We need to support our youth, our community, each other, and our future, or we’ll soon become the little village that was, and is no more.

Perhaps what we really need are fewer “politicians” and more civic responsibility. I could name one elected official that will definitely not be getting my vote! I am becoming increasingly tired of his constant negativity with respect to Area G!


Lynda Jensen

Keremeos Review