Mill. (File photo)

Decker Lake mill planer up and running

Decker Lake Forest Products mill is back up and running.

  • Dec. 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Decker Lake Forest Products mill is back up and running.

After a COVID-19 risk and possible exposure incident at the Decker Lake Forest Products mill, employees were sent home for sanitizing the facility on Dec.4.

One of the employees was identified as a COVID-19 risk through contact tracing and the owners had to shut the planer shift to clean the facility.

“The planer is running today at Decker Lake,” said Steve Zika, CEO of Hampton Affiliates. A clean-up and sanitization of the facility was done although details on the cleaning processes were not shared.

In Burns Lake, there have now been a total of three COVID exposure incidents with two at William Konkin Elementary School and one at Decker Lake mill.

As of today, the total count for the province for COVID-19 cases is at 978, of which 700 have recovered, 39 are hospitalized, 11 are in critical care and there have been eight deaths so far. Fraser Health region has crossed 22,800 cases of which currently 15,050 have recovered, Vancouver Coastal has a total of 9,421 cases of which 7,908 have recovered, Interior Health has had a total of 2,062 cases of which 1,426 have recovered and Vancouver Island has had 679 cases so far of which 490 have recovered.

“We continue to face a significant surge in community transmission and new cases of COVID-19, which means following the provincial health officer’s orders and using all our layers of protection is necessary for every person in our province right now,” provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix said in a statement Dec. 4.

The two week deadline for the province-wide restrictions is supposed to end tonight. An update on whether the restrictions’ deadline is extended or whether the restrictions will end today, would be provided during Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix’s COVID-19 update at 3 p.m. today.

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist

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