Deep freeze to continue into the weekend for the Cariboo Chilcotin

Deep freeze to continue into the weekend for the Cariboo Chilcotin

Temperatures well below average for this time of year

Cold nights and sunny days continues to be the weather story for the Cariboo Chilcotin this week.

Puntzi Mountain in the Chilcotin was the coldest place in B.C. Tuesday morning at -33C, -36C with the wind chill.

In Williams Lake Tuesday morning Cariboo residents are being greeted with a temperature of -19C at the airport, -24C with the wind chill.

Environment Canada is warning of a risk of frostbite across the Cariboo Chilcotin with the frigid temperatures.

More of the same overnight temperatures and record-breaking cold weather can be expected into the weekend, although Thursday could reach a daytime high of -1C.

The average daytime high for this time of year is 2.3C and the overnight low averages -7.7C.

On Monday, Feb. 25 the daytime high for Williams Lake reached -12.6C and the overnight low was -23.3C.

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Williams Lake Tribune