Deer Park Recreational Society's Fire Hall and truck.

Deer Park Recreational Society's Fire Hall and truck.

Deer Park meeting mends fences

A meeting was held last Saturday in Deer Park with residents and Area J director Rick Smith.

A meeting was held Saturday to mend some fences and communication lapses at the Deer Park fire hall with RDCK Area J regional director Rick Smith. Residents that live above the Hugh Keenlyside Dam and any businesses or non profits that operate in that area were invited to attend.

Over 30 residents from Deer Park, Renata, Cayuse and Brooklyn attended the meeting.

Deer Park Recreational Society president John Erikkson was pleased with the meeting. “I think it went quite well. It seemed like we got our ideas across, so we’ll see what happens here.”

The society is hoping to get some funding to pay for the insurance on their firetrucks and fire hall as well as propane for the hall for this winter. They came away with the meeting with more knowledge as to how to apply for that funding, and began filling out forms a few days later.

Smith has been invited to attend the Deer Park Recreational Society’s AGM this fall and plans to accept that invitation. Smith was also satisfied with the meeting, “Myself and my alternate, Wally Penner, felt the meeting was very informative for all those who attended. I would like to thank John Erikkson for organizing the meeting.” Rick Smith welcomes any further questions or enquiries via email at





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