

Deer poached near Washout Creek in Beaverfoot

The mule buck deer believed to have been shot on September 23 was left behind after being killed.

  • Sep. 28, 2017 6:00 a.m.

A deer was poached near washout creek in Beaverfoot Valley this weekend and conservation officers are looking for any witnesses or information.

The mule buck deer believed to have been shot on September 23 was left behind after being killed. The deer having four points on one side is too small and is illegal to hunt. Conservation officer Alex Desjardins said it’s possible the hunter made a mistake and is urging them to self-report.

According to the BC Hunting Synopsis, “Hunters who self report such kills will be viewed in a different light than those who intentionally kill an illegal animal or fail to report the matter.”

Conservation officers are looking for a vehicle that was in the area at the time that may have witnessed the incident. It is described as a newer white GMC Sierra with a tidy tank and chrome grill on the back.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Report All Poachers & Polluters line at 1-800-952-7277. Reports are anonymous.

Golden Star