Deer Ridge proposal receives council support

A proposed development in the Deer Ridge area received council support on Monday evening.

A proposed development in the Deer Ridge area, which would result in extending the sewer to the hillside neighbourhood, received council support on Monday evening.

At a public hearing, residents raised their concerns about the impact of the development on traffic, the environment and water runoff.

The Official Community Plan and zoning amendments would allow for smaller minimum lot sizes. A portion of land on McLarty Place will also be set aside for parkland.

Anita Perry, a Deer Ridge resident, said the development would affect the natural area and increase the population density in the area.

“Our issue is with the density and the number of people,” she said.

She also raised concerns about the traffic volume which would result from additional development in the area.

Ray Kolbus, who lives on Denike Street below the Deer Ridge area, said the area below the development has been plagued with water problems for many years.

“I am concerned with future groundwater in this development,” he said.

Some of the residents downhill from Deer Ridge have had ongoing problems with excess water on their properties.

He added that the intersection at Morrow Avenue and Prairie Valley Road, which provides access to Deer Ridge, is a tight corner which needs to be examined.

Mike Holler said the proposed development would provide additional building lots for the community.

The plan would also extend the sewer into the area.

“They’ve come up with a plan which they’re funding to give the community what it needs,” he said.

James Pernu, the consultant for the developer, said the sewer extension would be completed for the first phase of the development. Extending the sewer is expected to cost well over $1 million, he added.

He added that efforts will be made to give the public access to trails in the area and to provide a second access to the neighbourhood.

Members of council said the development could help to alleviate the drainage and seepage problems from Deer Ridge.

“It can provide a remedy for some of the problems in Deer Ridge,” he said.

Coun. Peter Waterman said controlling the water below Deer Ridge has been a need for many years, he said.

“I always thought it would be an advantage for the sewer to go there,” he said.

Mayor Janice Perrino said the development will address some of the environmental concerns by providing sewer access.

“That area desperately needs to have sewer,” she said.


The bylaw to approve the community plan and zoning changes for the development received unanimous support for second and third readings. Coun. Bruce Hallquist was not present at the council meeting.



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