Deka Lake residents being asked to help clean up lake accesses

Deka Lake & District Ratepayers' Association (DLDRA) is asking residents to help clean up lake accesses

Deka Lake & District Ratepayers’ Association (DLDRA) is asking residents to help clean up lake accesses, other than #8 and #12, which are receiving improvements this year.

If you can help this summer, call Penny Millway at 250-5934521.

DLDRA has not yet set the date for the annual general meeting, but thinks it will be held in late July, just before the summer fishing derby.




Get your tickets

Deka Lake & District Volunteer Fire Department’s (DLDVFD) Ice-Out raffle tickets – $1 each or six for $5 – are available from any firefighter.

Just guess, to the second, when the ice will leave Deka Lake and maybe win one of three cash prizes.




Fire hall tendering

After changing the construction site of Interlakes Volunteer Fire Department’s new East Hall, from Highway 24 at Greenall Road, to 8260 Highway 24, the Cariboo Regional District required re-tendering.

Contractors wishing to tender attended a mandatory site visit on April 3, and had to submit tenders by April 10.




Sad passing

Friends were saddened to learn that Wally Bloomfield passed away April 4, aged 86.

His wife, Diane, was head dispatcher for DLDVFD before they moved to Hope. Sincere sympathy is extended to their family and friends.





Birthday wishes go to Mel Grahn for April 17.





Call the writer for contact numbers.

13 to 93 meets 5 p.m., April 18 at 7895 Dean Rd., Bridge Lake.

Highway 24/Interlakes Lions meet 6:30 p.m., April 22 at Interlakes Hall.

Call 250-593-4582 to register children for the Lions’ Children’s Easter Party,

11 a.m.-2 p.m., April 19 at Interlakes Hall.

Quilts for 100 Mile Chemo: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., April 24 at Interlakes Hall. All

interested parties are welcome.

Call 250-593-4351 to reserve space in the Apri1 26 all-day First Aid class at

Bridge Lake School. The cost is $100.


100 Mile House Free Press