Delegating authority

Council gave three readings to a bylaw amendment moving the power to grant small conversions of rental units by city development officer.

Council gave three readings to a bylaw amendment moving the power to grant small conversions of rental units — four or less units — to individually owned strata properties to be undertaken by the city’s development officer rather than being brought before council.

There are few of these applications on an annual basis, according to Hall, and rather than take up valuable council time considering the applications, the strata legislation allows conversions to be undertaken as an administrative function by staff.

Hall said the criteria would remain the same, whether staff or council was making the decision: age of the building, availability of rental units in the area, relocation of existing tenants and a number of other factors.

Council voted unanimously, without discussion, to give the proposal three readings. The amendment will come back to council at their Dec. 7 regular meeting for adoption.



Penticton Western News