Cole Percevault’s day got a whole lot better Friday afternoon when members of the Campbell River Storm visited him and other hospital patients and presented them all with new teddy bears. Percevault, 11, received one of the biggest stuffed toys, but the tough-guy later said he’s going to give it to his nine-year-old sister.

Cole Percevault’s day got a whole lot better Friday afternoon when members of the Campbell River Storm visited him and other hospital patients and presented them all with new teddy bears. Percevault, 11, received one of the biggest stuffed toys, but the tough-guy later said he’s going to give it to his nine-year-old sister.

Delivering smiles

Cole Percevault’s day got a whole lot better Friday afternoon when members of the Campbell River Storm visited him

Cole Percevault’s day got a whole lot better on the Friday before Christmas when members of the Campbell River Storm visited him and other hospital patients and presented them all with new teddy bears. Percevault, 11, received one of the biggest stuffed toys, but the tough-guy later said he’s going to give it to his nine-year-old sister.

Campbell River Mirror