Delta Police give ‘positive tickets’ to safe kids

Starting on Sept. 6, the DPD will be targeting all school and playground zones to reward safe kids and remind drivers of 30km/h speed limit.

Sample 'positive ticket' being handed our by Delta Police.

Sample 'positive ticket' being handed our by Delta Police.

To kick off the start of school year, the Delta Police Department is trying something new.

For 10 days starting on Sept. 6, officers from the DPD’s traffic section will be targeting all school and playground zones in Delta to remind drivers that 30-kilometre-per-hour speed limits are in effect.

However, officers won’t just be ticketing speeders and distracted drivers. This year, they’ll be handing out “positive tickets” to youth who are seen obeying the rules of the road. The penalty? A free ice cream cone from McDonalds.

This is the first time that Delta Police have used positive ticketing.

“We wanted to promote back to school safety in a different way this year,” said Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord. “This gives us the opportunity to engage the community around positive behaviours, rather than always having negative messages.”

The goal, Dubord said, is to reinforce positive behaviour and present the department in a different light.

“No one likes to get a ticket. However, a positive ticket allows police to be seen as supporting good safety and social norms,” Dubord said.

Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord hands out “positive tickets” to kids in Ladner for being road safe.

Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord hands out “positive tickets” to kids in Ladner for being road safe. Photo submitted

Dubord said the Delta Police, the community and corporate businesses have all worked hard in contributing towards children’s safety and making Delta a safer place to live.

“We are very proud of our relationship with the community of Delta. This initiative would not work in every community,” Dubord said.

The Delta Police want to remind drivers that a 30 km/h speed limit is in effect in school zones from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on school days and from dawn until dusk seven days a week in signposted playground zones.

Officers will be focusing on speed in school and play- ground zones, seatbelts, yielding to pedestrians and school buses, and other motor vehicle act offences.

Fines for speeding in school or playground zones can range from $196-$253 depending on the speed, and come with three penalty points.

To keep up to date with the Delta Police and find out at which schools they will be handing out positive tickets, check their website ( and social media accounts (@deltapolice).

Tips for drivers from ICBC and Delta Police:

• Every school day, unless otherwise posted, a 30 km/h speed limit is in effect in school zones from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.;

• When you’re dropping off your children in school zones, allow them to exit the car on the side closest to the sidewalk. Never allow a child to cross mid-block;

• If a vehicle’s stopped in front of you or in the lane next to you, they may be yielding to a pedestrian, so proceed with caution and be prepared to stop;

• Watch for school buses. Vehicles approaching from both directions must stop for school buses when their lights are flashing;

• Before getting into your vehicle, walk around your vehicle to make sure no small children are hidden from your view. Always look for pedestrians when you’re backing up;

• If in doubt, SLOW DOWN in any areas frequented by children!

Tips for being a safe pedestrian:

• Plan out your child’s walking route with them ahead of time. Review street names and landmarks;

• Teach your child the correct meaning of traffic signs;

• Teach your child to always use a marked crosswalk wherever possible, and to always walk across the road not run;

• Teach your child to make eye contact with drivers and to ensure all vehicles have stopped before they cross the road, even if the walk signal is on;

• Explain to your child the dangers of walking with earphones in or while using an electronic gadget;

• Ensure your child is wearing bright, easy to see clothing – especially in bad weather or at night;

• Explain to your child the dangers of crossing between parked vehicles as it is harder for drivers to see children;

• If your child cycles to school, ensure they know the rules of the road and are wearing an approved helmet. Ensure their bicycle is properly equipped with lights and reflectors and is in good working order.

North Delta Reporter