The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce wants city processes streamlined to assist developers.

The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce wants city processes streamlined to assist developers.

Development issues put before Vernon politicians

Representatives from the city met with the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce

Procedures at Vernon city hall could evolve so developers can get down to business.

Representatives from the city met with the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce Thursday to discuss construction-related issues.

“It went really well,” said Coun. Dalvir Nahal.

“There was a good conversation and dialogue about what changes they would like to see.”

Topics included the city processing applications, development variance permits, development cost charges and the potential impact of the Regional District of North Okanagan’s master water plan.

“We will take the suggestions, look at them and try to implement them,” said Nahal, adding the city doesn’t want roadblocks for developers.

Chamber officials welcome the meeting with city administrators and politicians.

“There were some specific examples provided by the participants and some reasonable suggestions on what could be done to cut red tape at city hall,” said Phil Dyck, a chamber director.

The chamber will prepare a summary report from the meeting and present specific recommendations to council.

“We’re in a competitive environment when it comes to attracting new investment and getting young families to move here so it’s important that all levels of government continuously reflect on the regulations they have in place because it can impact housing prices and leave us at a competitive disadvantage with our neighbouring communities,”  said Dyck.

Mayor Akbar Mund describes the meeting as productive.

“We want people in the development community to give us their concerns and for them to understand there is a process in place for public consultation with the official community plan,” he said.

The chamber also hopes to meet with Coldstream and RDNO.





Vernon Morning Star