The Harrison Hot Springs Marina property at 102 Rockwell Drive is up for redevelopment, after staff were given the go-ahead to begin working on a development permit for an application on the site. (Grace Kennedy/The Observer)

The Harrison Hot Springs Marina property at 102 Rockwell Drive is up for redevelopment, after staff were given the go-ahead to begin working on a development permit for an application on the site. (Grace Kennedy/The Observer)

Development on the horizon for Harrison Hot Springs Marina

The property has been the subject of a number development proposals over the years

  • Jan. 15, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Apartment buildings and a new marina could be on the horizon for a property on Rockwell Drive, after Harrison council voted to let staff begin working with the developer on Jan. 7.

Harrison staff received a application for 102 Rockwell Drive that would see medium-density development erected on the site of the Harrison Hot Springs Marina.

The property currently hosts a gravel parking lot, which is used for temporary boat parking, and the Harrison Hot Springs Marina. The proposed development would see two buildings with 60 apartments between them, an underground parking lot and the marina space.

The development will not go to a public hearing, as the application falls within the Official Community Plan.

Harrison Hot Springs Marina was the site of a controversial redevelopment application six years ago, when a proposal looked to add 51 residential units along with commercial space on the lakefront property.

RELATED: Marina plan moves forward

That proposal did require a public hearing, because it needed changes to the village’s bylaws to proceed, and saw mixed opinions from the public. The plan ultimately fell flat, as did a 2016 plan to reinvent the marina.

“It’s taken a long time — we never thought it would take this long — to put something together,” Wayne Moser, one of the owners of Harrison Hot Springs Marina, said over the phone. “But financially it’s very difficult.”

Moser said a partnership was required to get a development off the ground, and this most recent proposal is a joint project between a local development company and Moser. (Moser and his brother would continue to take on the marina, and the developer would be in charge of the residential buildings.)

Moser wouldn’t say which company, as they are currently working with the village on the development permit, but did note they are “local, long-term builder developers.”

“Right now we’ll just wait and see how the meeting goes,” he said. “We’re hoping the village is receptive to this plan, and then I guess we’ll go from there.”

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