DFO Monitors Rubina Tallio, John Arnold and Meghan Lewick at the wharf (Caitlin Thompson photo)

DFO Monitors Rubina Tallio, John Arnold and Meghan Lewick at the wharf (Caitlin Thompson photo)

DFO Monitors keeping watch as commercial fishery opens up

Volunteer DFO Monitors have been onsite to ensure requirements are met

Volunteer monitors are keeping an eye on things down at the wharf since Fisheries and Oceans opened the commercial fisheries a few weeks ago. The most recent opening, which was a Chum gill net fishery, happened on July 3.

Monitors Meghan Lewick and John Arnold completed their first shift this morning.

“We’re helping the Nuxalk by keeping a record during this commercial opening that none of the non-local boats try to enter the wharf,” said Arnold.

The duo have also been recording sportsfishers who have been launching from the wharf.

“We’ve been gathering information from them, just seeing if they’ve obtained a permit and where they’ve been,” said Lewick. “They were very well aware of COVID-19 and they ensured us they will be heading out of the community without stopping.”

Arnold said everyone has been very cooperative so far and that none of the commercial boats have entered the restricted area.

Coast Mountain News