White absorbent booms encircle a sunken boat leaking diesel into the waters of Oak Bay.

White absorbent booms encircle a sunken boat leaking diesel into the waters of Oak Bay.

Diesel dissipating from sunk boat

Booms absorbing diesel from sailboat sunk Monday morning in Oak Bay harbour

The Salla Rose sits ensconced in as second round of absorbent oil booms after sinking in Oak Bay Monday (Feb. 6) morning.

“With Coast Guard Environmental response we swapped out the saturated absorbent oil booms with new ones this morning,” said Tim Johnston, of C-Tow Marine. “The amount of diesel coming up was very reduced from even 8:30 this morning, so we think that’s almost it.”

The Coast Guard received a report Monday shortly after 11 a.m. that the boat had sunk just outside Oak Bay Marina. No one was aboard the 45-foot sailboat and no injuries were reported.

However, diesel was visible immediately on the water and C-Tow Oak Bay placed sorbent pads around vessel.

“Coast Guard Environmental Response assessed the situation this morning and has deployed additional booms to continue to contain the pollutants upwelling from the sunken vessel,” wrote Michelle Imbeau Communications Advisor Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Canadian Coast Guard in an email to the Oak Bay News. “An accurate assessment of the quantity of pollutants onboard has not yet been determined.”

Coast Guard ER is in the process of locating a contractor to potentially remove the pollutants and/or vessel in a cost effective manner.





Oak Bay News