(back & middle l-r) Bill Hadden (100 Mile House), Mrs. Foster and MLA Eric Foster,   Christopher Guerin, Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta, MP Cathy McLeod, TNRD Director Sally Watson, Ken (Sally Watson’s partner), and Cpl. Brandon Buliziuk. (front l-r) Gord (Cathy McLeod’s husband), S.D. 74 Board of Education chair Carmen Ranta, Ashcroft Coun. Doreen Lambert, MLA Jackie Tegart, Clinton councillors Diana Guerin and Susan Swan, Christine Rivett and Clinton Mayor Jim Rivett. (Missing from photo - Ashcroft Mayor Jack Jeyes and Clinton Coun. Wayne Marchant.

(back & middle l-r) Bill Hadden (100 Mile House), Mrs. Foster and MLA Eric Foster, Christopher Guerin, Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta, MP Cathy McLeod, TNRD Director Sally Watson, Ken (Sally Watson’s partner), and Cpl. Brandon Buliziuk. (front l-r) Gord (Cathy McLeod’s husband), S.D. 74 Board of Education chair Carmen Ranta, Ashcroft Coun. Doreen Lambert, MLA Jackie Tegart, Clinton councillors Diana Guerin and Susan Swan, Christine Rivett and Clinton Mayor Jim Rivett. (Missing from photo - Ashcroft Mayor Jack Jeyes and Clinton Coun. Wayne Marchant.

Dignitaries dressed to the nines for Clinton Ball

Camels and belly dancers add mystique to the 148th annual Clinton Ball.

by Susan Swan

When it comes to hosting a party the Village of Clinton knows how to do it up right. That is especially true when it comes to the Annual Clinton Ball. After holding these for so long nothing is left to chance. Each detail is carefully thought out and executed.

The decorations, dinner, dance music and entertainment were all first rate at the Ball on Saturday, May 16. The Ball Committee is so organized they even had tickets available to purchase for the next two Annual Balls. The 150th Clinton Ball will be held in 2017.

The theme for the 148th Annual Ball was Camels in the Cariboo, a tribute to the failed attempt to use camels as pack animals during the gold rush in the 1860’s. Camel pictures and cut-outs and original artwork by the Clinton elementary students who wrote and illustrated a book about the camels decorated the walls of the hall. Clinton Mayor Jim Rivett and emcee Coun. Wayne Marchant gave some of the history of the experiment.

Mayor Rivett welcomed the dignitaries, that included MP Cathy McLeod and her husband Gord; MLA Jackie Tegart (Fraser Nicola); MLA Eric Foster (Vernon-Monashee) and his wife; Mayor Rivett’s wife Christine; TNRD Area E Director Sally Watson and Ken; Cache Creek Mayor John Mayor John Ranta and his wife, Carmen Ranta, chair of School District 74 board of education; Ashcroft Mayor Jack Jeyes; Ashcroft Coun. Doreen Lambert; 100 Mile House Coun. Bill Hadden and Clinton councillors Diana Guerin and husband Chris, Susan Swan and husband Greg and Wayne Marchant and friend Lily.

A sit-down stuffed pork chop dinner was provided by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion #194, Clinton Branch. This was followed by dancing to the Evergreen Drifters who kept toes tapping and feet flying on the dance floor.

When the band took their first break the crowd was treated to the entertaining belly dance troupe Shahrahzad from Kamloops. In keeping with the Camel theme, six graceful ladies used veils, swords, etc. to keep the attention of their audience. Their performance was very well received.

And then it was time for the presentation of the winners of the best costumes. MLA Eric Foster presented the prize for Most Elegant Lady to Karen Taylor. MLA Jackie Tegart named Dan Homburg the Most Dapper Gentleman, and Cpl. Brandon Bulizuik of the Clinton RCMP presented the Finest Couple to John and Charlene Boscott.

It was a fun evening all around. Congratulations to the Annual Ball Committee – Clare Warner, Alice Crosson, Valerie Bissat, Yvette May, Bernice Weihs-Anderson and Wayne Marchant for a job well done!

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal