Director calls for Yellowhead Highway improvements at Thompson Nicola Regional District meeting

Director calls for Yellowhead Highway improvements at Thompson Nicola Regional District meeting

the following are the highlights from the Jan. 17, 2019, Thompson Nicola Regional District Board of Directors Meeting.

  • Jan. 24, 2019 12:00 a.m.

the following are the highlights from the Jan. 17, 2019, Thompson Nicola Regional District Board of Directors Meeting.

Public hearing: zoning amendment bylaw No. 2668, 2018

The Board held a Public Hearing to consider proposed Bylaw No. 2668. The amendment would rezone a portion of land in Agate Bay from C-F: Recreational Commercial to RL-1: Rural Zone to enable a rural residential subdivision. Anyone with The interest in the property who may be affected by the proposed Bylaw was given the opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing.

No amendments were proposed. The zoning amendment bylaw was then read a third time and adopted by the Board.

Delegation: provincial update

The Board was provided with a provincial update from the three area Members of the Legislative Assembly: MLA Peter Milobar, Kamloops-North Thompson; MLA Todd Stone, Kamloops-South Thompson; and MLA Jackie Tegart, Fraser-Nicola. This was the first time the MLAs have addressed the new Board of Directors.

Peter Milobar discussed climate change, carbon tax, slash piles, and Interior caribou populations, and took questions from the Board about housing initiatives and infrastructure funding.

Jackie Tegart spoke about flood mitigation, mudslides, agriculture, and steelhead salmon populations. Board members were interested in hearing more about the change in Agriculture Land Use from two zone to one zone.

Todd Stone addressed several topics, including the Royal Inland Hospital expansion project, access to healthcare, transportation issues, and the political landscape in B.C. He answered questions about policy changes to cannabis regulations and ride sharing in B.C.

Committee appointments made by board

The Board and Chair selected candidates for the TNRD committees.

More than one Director requested appointment to the Municipal Finance Authority, so an election by secret ballot was conducted. The candidates for the Municipal Finance Authority and Shuswap Watershed Council were elected by acclamation.

Director calls for improvements on Yellowhead Highway

The Board passed a motion to send a request to the Ministry of Transportation to undertake an independent review for a section of Highway 5 to reduce accidents on the highway.

Electoral Area “A” Director Carol Schaffer put forth the motion following two truck crashes happening in one week on the Yellowhead Highway, causing diesel spills into the North Thompson River that affected users the Thompson River water system.

Annual out of town board meetings

The Board approved the annual Out of Town Board Meeting to be held in the Village of Chase in 2019, which coincides with the Village’s 50th anniversary. The Board holds one regularly scheduled meeting in a location other than the TNRD Board room every year, which provides Directors the opportunity to visit other areas and to promote public awareness within the regional district.

The following Out of Town Board Meeting locations were also approved:

2020 Logan Lake/Ashcroft/Cache Creek

2021 Sun Peaks

2022 Blue River

2023 Merritt

Simpcw First Nation to provide fire protection service to properties in Electoral Area “O”

The Board acknowledged that the Simpcw First Nation has agreed to provide fire protection services to property owners on Dunn Lake Road. There are seven properties in the agreement which are located within Electoral Area “O”, outside of the Chu Chua reserve.

TNRD staff are now in the process of including Chu Chua into the 9-1-1 fire dispatch service (provided under contract by the City of Kamloops)

Barriere Star Journal