COVID-19 has been confirmed in Elkford according to the District’s mayor and council. (File)

COVID-19 has been confirmed in Elkford according to the District’s mayor and council. (File)

District confirms case of COVID-19 in Elkford

Post to District's Facebook page Monday informed residents of COVID-19 reported in community

  • Mar. 30, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in Elkford according to the district’s mayor and council.

The district pointed to an announcement made by the Elkford Drug Store via Facebook on Monday, March 30. The store announced that on March 17 an individual who later tested positive for COVID-19 visited the store. The drug store was contacted by the Centre for Disease Control, letting them know that a confirmed positive case had been in the store.

According to the Facebook post by the Elkford Drug Store, the Centre for Disease Control decided that instead of reaching out to contact customers who visited the store individually, they would be announcing the incident to the public so that people could take proper safety measures.

“First, we ask you to join in sending well wishes to the individual for a speedy recovery,” the District of Elkford said in a statement. “Second, we urge our citizens that panic is unnecessary, and we ask you to do your best to remain calm. We will continue to liaise with Interior Health and the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, and will post any necessary updates.”

Since the drug store made the announcement, Interior Health has asked those who visited the Elkford Drug Store on March 17 to self isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days from the time of their visit.

According to a release from Interior Health regarding the positive COVID-19 test, “as long as customers of the pharmacy remain healthy and do not develop symptoms, they can return to their routine activities 14 days after the date of their visit.”

For those individuals who do develop symptoms, particularly those who are older or may have underlying health issues, they should call 811 or their regular health care provider. Interior Health also noted that testing is not required for those who have mild respiratory symptoms but that if the respiratory symptoms worsen, people should reach out to their doctor. In their official statement, Interior Health also noted that “if customers develop respiratory symptoms, they need to self isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days from the time their symptoms develop and until symptoms resolve.”

Since learning about the case, the Elkford Drug Store has implemented even more stringent safety measures to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved.

“After identification of this case, Elkford Drug Store has taken measures to ensure the safety of their customers and staff, including screening staff daily for symptoms, self isolating staff as required, enhanced cleaning, and permitting one customer at a time to ensure physical distancing,” said Interior Health.

As the first Interior Health comfirmed case of COVID-19 in the Elk Valley, the District of Elkford had a message for residents.

“We ask that you check on loved ones, neighbours, seniors, and community members who may not have access to social media to be sure they are up to date about the case in Elkford and the steps they should take based on Elkford Drug Store’s post,” the district said in a statement. “Let’s remember that Elkford is a resilient community, and we always come together in tough times. This is no different. We will work together as a community to do our part to stop the spread of the virus.”

In their post, the District of Elkford went on to add that, “as the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly changes and finds its way into our communities, we urge you, now more than ever, to adhere to the orders and advice of the provincial and federal health authorities. Maintain social and physical distancing, stay home unless you absolutely need to go out, practise hand hygiene, and stay in the house if you are sick or at high risk for serious illness.”

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