District considers surplus sale

Surplus school sites within North Okanagan-Shuswap could be up for sale

  • Sep. 16, 2012 9:00 a.m.

Some North Okanagan-Shuswap schools could be going on the block.

The board passed a motion Tuesday declaring a number of school sites are surplus to the needs of the district.

“We are getting the properties appraised to determine fair market value,” said Sterling Olson, secretary-treasurer.

This motion gives district staff direction to start discussions on what to do with the properties.

The sites under discussion for disposal include Ashton Creek Elementary, North Broadview school, Mount Ida school, North Canoe annex, the bus garage site, the school board office, South Canoe Centre and the new Jackson annex.

Olson said the process does not allow for disposal of any of these properties on its own and individual bylaws will need to be done for each property.

“As we work our way through the process any one of the properties could continue on or drop off.”

Enrolment uncertain

Enrolment numbers continue to be very soft within the North Okanagan-Shuswap School District.

The district looks to be down close to the number projected, which was 225 students.

“Kindergarten enrolment is at 404. The average over the past few years has been around the 400 mark so that plateau of stability is working through the system,” said superintendent Dave Witt.


Witt warned that unfortunately it is projected student enrolment will continue to decline for at least another three or four years.



Vernon Morning Star