District council meetings scheduled

Public always welcomed to council, committee of the whole meetings

District of 100 Mile House councillors approved the 2014 council meeting schedule at their Dec. 10 meeting.

Monthly council meetings are usually held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the council chambers at 385 Birch Ave. (Fourth Street entrance).

Notices are posted on the bulletin board in the District officer foyer (Birch Avenue entrance).

The council meeting schedule is subject to change and all regular public meetings start at 7 p.m.

For details on the times and dates for committee of the whole meetings (delegations and public hearing sessions), go to the District website at 100MileHouse.com.

The 2014 council meeting schedule is as follows: Jan. 14 and 28; Feb. 11 and 25; March 11 and 25; April 8 and 22; May 13 and 27; June 10 and 24; July 8 and 22; Aug. 12 and 26; Sept. 9 and 23; Oct. 14 and 28; Nov. 11 and 28; and Dec. 9.

However, councillors will be away for the UBCM Convention on Sept. 23 and Remembrance Day falls on Nov. 11, so meetings will have to be cancelled or rescheduled.




100 Mile House Free Press