District crosses fingers for long weekend fireworks display

Dry conditions forced cancellation on Canada Day

  • Aug. 25, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The District of Houston is optimistically hoping it’ll be cooler and wetter by the time the Labour Day weekend comes around so that the cancelled-Canada Day fireworks display can take place.

A region-wide ban on campfires and other outdoor burning because of extremely dry conditions on the days leading up to July 1 prompted the District to put off the display.

Campfires are now allowed but there remains a fireworks ban, something that could change in the days ahead.

“As COVID restrictions are now easing, the Leisure Services Department is excited to resume events of this nature and put on a great show of fireworks for the District,” said leisure services director Cassie Ofner in a memo to council outlining what could take place on Sept. 4.

But should conditions not improve and the fireworks prohibition not be lifted, the public will be informed in advance, Ofner explained.

There is a complicating factor and that is a $4,000 grant from the federal Department of Canadian Heritage which was combined with a District of Houston budgetary allocation of $10,000 to purchase the fireworks.

“The Department of Canadian Heritage offered an extension for the Celebrate Canada Firework Grant up to Sept. 6, 2021,” Ofner in outlining the timeline of when the grant must be used.

Should the fireworks show go ahead, it’ll take place at Four Seasons Park on Sept. 4, between 9:30 p.m. and 9:50 p.m.

“This 20-minute show will be an excellent way to celebrate the long weekend, and the end of summer as kids are returning to school the following week,” Ofner noted in her memo.

It will also be the first event that the District of Houston will have hosted since the pre-pandemic period.

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