The District of Coldstream wants policies in place for future tourism businesses, including along the rail trail.

The District of Coldstream wants policies in place for future tourism businesses, including along the rail trail.

District forms tourism group

Coldstream council agreed Monday to form a tourism committee

Tourists may be coming and Coldstream wants to be ready.

Council agreed Monday to form a tourism committee, consisting of local residents and district representatives.

“It’s an opportunity to get the public involved,” said Coun. Glen Taylor, who will sit on the committee.

“We will look for people with professional requirements to come on board.”

However, not everyone supports the initiative.

“We don’t have a big enough tourism industry for a committee,” said Coun. Gyula Kiss, adding that district staff have other issues they need to focus on.

However, other council members say there is a need for a process given the rail trail and demands for bed and breakfasts and mobile vendors.

“We want to look at how tourism-related issues are coming forward,” said Mayor Jim Garlick.

“Hopefully we can get input and good participation from the citizens involved in the committee,” added Coun. Richard Enns.

Also on Monday, council approved resident Julie Melanson’s request to operate a coffee cart by Kal Beach.

Permission is only valid for Aug. 24 to 28 and Aug. 31 to Sept. 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“It’s a good idea as long as it doesn’t impact the existing business (concession) at the beach,” said Coun. Pat Cochrane.

“They have been there a long time and pay a fee to be there.”

Coun. Doug Dirk was absent Monday.


Vernon Morning Star