District limits grow sites

Lake Country is taking a stand on where medicinal marijuana production takes place

Lake Country is taking a stand on where medicinal marijuana production takes place.

Council has given two readings to a bylaw amendment that would designate industrial zones for growing and processing medical marijuana.

“By limiting them to the general and heavy industry zones, we will treat them like a pharmaceutical use,” said Coun. Penny Gambell.

The provincial Agricultural Land Commission has designated medicinal marijuana as an appropriate agricultural activity, but Lake Country council is opposed to the facilities being on farm land.

“We have development next to parcels of ALR. If someone grew and processed marijuana, it could impact the neighbours,” said Mayor James Baker.

Among the potential concerns about warehouses or greenhouses is noise, odour and traffic.

“Security is also a concern,” said Gambell.

“Farming has enough challenges without adding another one.”

It’s expected municipal staff would conduct property use inspections for compliance with bylaws such as zoning.

The proposed zoning bylaw amendment will now go to a public hearing for input before further approvals are considered by council.


Vernon Morning Star