District looking into repurposing pool complex

The district of Port Hardy will be looking into the possibility of repurposing the pool complex if Council gets go ahead from voters

The District of Port Hardy will be looking into the possibility of repurposing the pool complex if council gets the go ahead from the voters to build a new one.

At the Parks & Recreation Review Committee meeting March 19, Councillor Fred Robertson wondered if the district should look into whether or not that would be feasible.Staff said the possibility could be considered during the first phase of work.”Phase one is the conceptual phase to referendum,” said Chief Financial Officer Allison McCarrick.

From the survey and the first “sticky session” at the Civic Centre, the District received many suggestions on how to repurpose the old complex. “As we move forward these, and many more suggestions, will be considered with a cost attributed,” McCarrick said.

The District has awarded Unitech Construction Management Ltd. as the Project/Construction Management Consultant for the new pool complex.The community will be involved with the project management and architecture firms to provide input on the concept for the Multiplex.

“These professionals will then draw up conceptual designs and costs for the designs,” she said. Once everyone involved, which includes the community, businesses, First Nations, neighbouring North Island communities and the Regional District of Mount Waddington areas, has the opportunity to contribute, one conceptual plan will go forward to a referendum to decide if this is a project the community supports.

North Island Gazette