The District of Elkford approved the bylaw at their February 13 council meeting. File Photo

The District of Elkford approved the bylaw at their February 13 council meeting. File Photo

District of Elkford approves bylaw authorizing $8.3 million loan

The money will be used for repaving roads in the Abruzzi Heights and Balmer Knoll subdivisions

  • Feb. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.

At a February 13 council meeting in Elkford, the 2020-2021 Paving Program Loan Authorization bylaw was adopted.

The purpose of the bylaw was to authorize borrowing a sum of $8.3 million from the Municipal Finance Authority (MFA) in order to complete a paving project within the District of Elkford.

According to Chantel Dawson, director of corporate services for the district, council has been aware of the need to repave roads since at least 2018.

“During the 2018 municipal election process, council heard that one of the top concerns of Elkford’s citizens is the condition of roads in town,” she explained. “Since then, council and district staff have placed a greater focus on its previously set infrastructure review and determined that the paving program is a priority.”

Although the District of Elkford has now been approved to borrow the $8.3 million sum, Dawson noted that the total cost of the paving project will be unknown until the district tenders the project. The paving project is set to begin in June 2020 and will focus on the Abruzzi Heights and Balmer Knoll subdivisions.

Before being officially adopted, the bylaw underwent three readings by district council. The first took place on October 15, 2019 and began the process. The second reading was on November 27, 2019 and staff presented further research and analysis on the impacts of the paving project. According to council minutes, “following the third reading of the bylaw, the District of Elkford proceeded with the Alternative Approval Process,” which allows citizens to directly engaged with the proposed bylaw.

“The paving program will contribute to Elkford’s ongoing asset management efforts and will provide an improved level of service and road quality for residents for many years to come,” said Dawson. “Last year, the district completed a $2.5 million paving program in the Boivin North area of Elkford, which is in the downtown core. The 2020-2021 paving program is the next phase of the district’s long term paving plan.” Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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